student projects 2019

Truly Johnson

Truly Johnson

sustainability game day, energetic

truly johnson, alumni 2019

Truly worked on creating a Sustainable Game Day at Hunter College where students learned about environmental issues and carbon-neutral energy while playing board games. She was inspired to apply for this grant after working on Energetic, a board game about the NYC energy grid and became curious about how games could be used to educate and encourage action on important issues.

Haley Robinson

Haley Robinson

Lena Suponya

Lena Suponya

Recycling app

Haley Robinson, senior & Lena Suponya, Alumni 2017

This project was the brainchild of Haley’s creative collaborator, Lena Suponya. They decided to make this app to stimulate, engage, and educate the Hunter community about proper recycling habits. They saw a need to create this app and decided to apply for a grant from TGIF. Laws around recycling vary from city to city, and sometimes can be confusing. By creating the app the two wanted to teach the Hunter community the appropriate ways to recycle.

Jaclyn Bernstein

Jaclyn Bernstein

green roof survey

jaclyn bernstein, alumni 2019

Jaclyn’s project was a green roof survey that identified potential green spaces on campus. It laid out the groundwork for future students interested in starting a green roof on campus. She brought to this project, hands-on conservation experience, and a background as an environmental educator. She studied International Environmental Policy with the Macaulay Honors Program at Hunter College.